Tag Archives: Central West

Elvis Festival at Parkes and more of the Central West, NSW.

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I’m not passing through Canowindra without a stop at long-time friend Tommy Jeffs’ superb café ‘Deli Lama’ for a quick coffee fix and chat, and of course it’s highly recommended.

Couldn’t believe Tommy had a resurgence of memorabilia dedicated to Grace Kelly – just across the street from his café. Classic and definitely worthy of a look at this gorgeous collection.

If there’s two trees I revere the fragrance from; it’s the Pepper (shown here) and various Australian Eucalyptus trees.

Art work at Eugowra township showing a time when rail was the main transport system for country people.

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And now at the Parkes Elvis Festival where he is simply everywhere!

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Besides celebrating Elvis Presley’s 80th Birthday in 2015, it’s the biggest festival held outside of the United States to adoring fans who keep his memory alive and well.

What’s a festival without a pink Cadillac?

Will the real Elvis please come forward?

You can always take the Elvis XPT Express to Parkes from Sydney. Make sure you book this Elvis runaway train with its booty of singing, guitar-playing passengers dressed for the occasion well in advance.

Within the paddocks of local farmers there’s a series of very unusual animal sculptures from Molong to Cumnock, or better known as Animals on Bikes.
See www.animalsonbikes.com.au

Another long-time friend Vicki putting her smart and very nimble horse Silvy through his paces at Cumnock over the weekend.

Hi Ho Silvy! Just another day at the office.

The neighbouring town of Molong you will find the resting place of Yaranigh, explorer Thomas Mitchell’s long-time guide. Yaranigh was buried on the outskirts of town in 1850 in full accordance with the rites of his Aboriginal tribe. Four trees mark the four corners of the burial plot and the epitaph on the headstone pays to his courage and fidelity.

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Passing the Noonbinna Siding.

Heading home through Mandurama.

Mandurama is situated 259 kilometres west of Sydney and a way to go yet before returning there.

Now at Kelso on the outskirts of Bathurst and then my return over the Blue Mountains to Sydney.