Tag Archives: Rocky Mountaineer

Kamloops to Banff with The Rocky Mountaineer, Canada – Part Five

Another early start from Kamloops and the water’s vapour is just waking up as well.

Have quite a few more bridges to cross yet and heading onto Banff which is another 309 miles.

A full day on the train is fine by me with these kinds of views.

Keen fishermen and the water is crystal clear. Great time of the year as it’s not yet really cold for September and this is the last Coastal Passage journey for 2015.

Little bit foggy but the air is fresh and crisp with gentle hills along the South Thompson River. The countryside is more arid here, rocky and sandy with fewer trees.

We pass a lot of small townships and farming is the main industry of the area.

Starting to see a lot more fresh water lakes as we track around the edges of many and in particular Lakes Shuswap and Mara.


The train passes Craigellachie, whereby on 7 November 1885 the last ceremonial rail spike was driven in, completing the Canadian Pacific Railway and linking Montreal to Vancouver by rail. There’s a monument and small museum by the tracks for visitors.

Love to, but we’re currently experiencing one of the best trains!

Freight trains take precedence on the tracks and on odd occasions we need to stop along the way for them to pass.

Noticeably starting to climb into the mountainous regions.

The glass dome in Gold Leaf allows viewing at all angles and is tinted to reduce any glare.

Mmmm, must be time to eat again and we’re passing through some long tunnels. Sophie’s taking good care of us and as an Aussie, she still speaks ‘the lingo’ well after being abroad for a while.

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Photo bombing a selfie …

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Always seem to meet up with a great lot of people on trains and this one was no exception.

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Heading into Banff after a full day travelling, eating, drinking, filming and chatting.

Our last day on the train and really sad to farewell The Rocky Mountaineer at Banff. However, there’s always next year with the season commencing in May through to October, 2016.

Vancouver to Kamloops, Canada with Rocky Mountaineer – Part Four

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Early motorcoach transfer from our Vancouver hotel whereby all luggage is taken care of and loaded onto the train.

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As the Rocky Mountaineer Station is separate to the Pacific Central Station where we arrived at from Seattle, this is the train’s departure point from Vancouver.

Light refreshments are served with a pianist playing a number of favourites for the passengers whilst waiting to board at 7:30 am.

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This would have to be one of the most photographed and well-documented luxury trains in the world.

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A Scottish Bagpiper gives us a hearty welcome.

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The face of lovely Enzina tells us she’s ready for the whistle to blow and let’s be on our way.

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Here with Steve Farrelly, our National Sales Manager for Rocky Mountaineer. This is the second day of our Coastal Passage journey and it’s definitely worth the long-haul trip from Australia.

Just a starter for breakfast …

Bye Vancouver, was fantastic and enjoyed every minute of being there, but we’ve some more sightseeing to do and a train ride to enjoy.

Still early in the day and the scenery is stunning.

As there is a vestibule at the end of the Gold Leaf carriage, photographs are uninterrupted with a clear outlook and no glass reflections to worry about.

At Cisco Crossing, CP and CN tracks swap sides of the river. The CN line crosses first on an distinctive arched orange-painted girder bridge, the CP tracks then crossing in the opposite direction on a squared-off black steel bridge lower down on the right.

Sit back and enjoy the views.

We’re starting to climb now and before our eyes, the landscape is changing dramatically.

We’ll also follow a number of rivers over the duration of the day.

We’re not even in the last carriage for us to be able to watch the front engine going through a myriad of tunnels.


On the other side of the river, often seen are freight trains and it feels like we’re in a race!


This legendary route along the Canadian Pacific track is famous for uniting the country and connecting British Columbia to Canada over 125 years ago.

We’re just on the outskirts of Kamloops now where we’ll have an overnight stay.

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Buses are already waiting to take all passengers to their respective hotels with rooms already pre-assigned and keys given prior to check in.

Rocky Mountaineer Rail Journey, Seattle to Vancouver – Part Two

The Rocky Mountaineer’s newest addition to its already sensational tapestry of itineraries is the Coastal Passage which begins in Seattle, USA. We’re heading to Vancouver, Kamloops and Banff by train and motor coach to Calgary.

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Arriving at the King Street Station in Seattle we can already see the kind of classiness we’re about to encounter over the next few days.

The face of Rocky Mountaineer is here to greet our group on board for a site inspection and rail journey of a lifetime.

The Gold Leaf Dome carriage has two levels and below seating is reserved for passengers to choose between two sittings of breakfast and lunch.

As a group, are we excited about this trip? You bet!

You might be lucky enough to spot the resident Osprey nesting along the river.

Bye Seattle.

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Just a starter …

We’re on our way along Washington’s coastline with spectacular views all along the way.

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And this is only the beginning of what you’ll see from the Gold Leaf carriage.

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The train hugs the coastline almost all of the way.
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You’re able see farms, towns and look into people’s backyards with rail travel, something you just aren’t able to do by car and driving along the highway.

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Mmmm, time for dinner – very smart and can’t wait.

Meals are prepared perfectly and you don’t need to be a connoisseur to know this is going to be delish!

Arriving into Vancouver for an overnight stay at the Sheraton Wall Centre Hotel, all luggage handling is included in the fare. The train stops at the Pacific Central Station whereby all passengers must clear Immigration/Customs. Your arrival documentation will be given whilst on board and provided you’ve filled it out correctly and have your passport ready, it’ll be a quick and easy process.