Rocky Mountaineer Rail Journey, Seattle to Vancouver – Part Two

The Rocky Mountaineer’s newest addition to its already sensational tapestry of itineraries is the Coastal Passage which begins in Seattle, USA. We’re heading to Vancouver, Kamloops and Banff by train and motor coach to Calgary.

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Arriving at the King Street Station in Seattle we can already see the kind of classiness we’re about to encounter over the next few days.

The face of Rocky Mountaineer is here to greet our group on board for a site inspection and rail journey of a lifetime.

The Gold Leaf Dome carriage has two levels and below seating is reserved for passengers to choose between two sittings of breakfast and lunch.

As a group, are we excited about this trip? You bet!

You might be lucky enough to spot the resident Osprey nesting along the river.

Bye Seattle.

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Just a starter …

We’re on our way along Washington’s coastline with spectacular views all along the way.

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And this is only the beginning of what you’ll see from the Gold Leaf carriage.

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The train hugs the coastline almost all of the way.
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You’re able see farms, towns and look into people’s backyards with rail travel, something you just aren’t able to do by car and driving along the highway.

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Mmmm, time for dinner – very smart and can’t wait.

Meals are prepared perfectly and you don’t need to be a connoisseur to know this is going to be delish!

Arriving into Vancouver for an overnight stay at the Sheraton Wall Centre Hotel, all luggage handling is included in the fare. The train stops at the Pacific Central Station whereby all passengers must clear Immigration/Customs. Your arrival documentation will be given whilst on board and provided you’ve filled it out correctly and have your passport ready, it’ll be a quick and easy process.